This page allows you to download example products to showcase our services. Some products are free of charge and include source code, others are free to use but compiled and some Demo versions of paid products are available for limited time. See individual categories for available downloads
Macro writing service
Macros written to order for clients are not available for download here as these may be contractually vested with the client. In most cases, Tatras Consulting keeps ownership of the source code, however, the logic, IP and process and panel GUI is with the client and is not reproduced for others. All clients must supply their own instructions for the logic and process that their macro is to solve.
We have written over 500 macros for clients covering all design, drainage, survey, drafting, plotting, as well as custom processes for BIM, earthworks, airport obstacle surveys, trimesh modelling, GIS, Geotech, Lidar/UAV/Point clouds, Hydrographic soundings, Attribute manipulation, Traverse reporting, and various tools for measurement and labelling of specific dataset results, file conversions, plotting and reporting. We assist clients with custom chains, snippets and stylesheets as well as SQL server queries, ODBC links to export/import data to 12d model, 12dSynergy API scripts and reports, Python tools for TBC, and other solutions in .Net, C#, VB, VBA, Json and other. We can help you improve complex processes, analysis, reporting and data transfers.
Please don’t hesitate to
to discuss your needs.Ts&Cs
Neither Tatras Consulting Ltd nor the original contributor of the chain/macro/snippet/trimesh or its associated files are responsible for the output, results or any action that takes place as a result of running the chain/macro/snippet/trimesh or any associated files. These chain/macro/snippet/trimesh files are provided “AS IS” without any warranty of any kind. We disclaim any and all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to any warranty of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose or your requirements nor that the performance or use thereof will be uninterrupted or error-free. This chain/macro/snippet/trimesh was created using a specific version of 12d Model/12d Synergy software and may not run on earlier or future versions of the software. You are solely responsible for the use of this chain/macro/snippet/trimesh and its documentation downloaded or sourced from the internet and you indemnify Tatras Consulting Ltd and the original contributor from any decisions, errors, and damages, loss of data or information, loss of profit or business resulting from downloading or running this chain/macro/snippet/trimesh and any other files or documentation.